Wednesday, July 31, 2013

FBI wanted to fly Edward Snowden's father to Moscow

The FBI planned to fly the Edward Snowden's father to Moscow to encourage the National Security Agency leaker to come home to the United States, his father told the Washington Post.
But Lon Snowden said he backed out, because it was not clear he would be able to speak to his son.

"I said, 'I want to be able to speak with my son. . . . Can you set up communications?' And it was, 'Well, we're not sure,' " the father told the newspaper.
"I said, 'Wait a minute, folks, I'm not going to sit on the tarmac to be an emotional tool for you.'"

Lon Snowden spoke to CNN on Monday and Tuesday, but did not bring up this incident.

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper Snowden Tuesday, the father said he wants the accused leaker to stay in Russia, until he is confident he can get a fair trial in the United States.

"I am not confident at all," Lon Snowden said.
The multiple guilty verdicts handed to leaker Pfc. Bradley Manning increased his unease, although he says his son's case is "completely different."
"I think my son has exercised discretion in the information that he has shared," he said.
Edward Snowden admires Manning, his father said.
"He's an individual who took a stand."
by CNN